Amsoil Marketing Plan Provides Sound Business Opportunity

    The purpose of the AMSOIL marketing plan is to provide a sound business opportunity for the AMSOIL Dealer network. AMSOIL provides numerous programs and support mechanisms designed to help Dealers build their businesses. Although every program provides a valuable way to build a successful AMSOIL Dealership, the best way to build a stable business and income is through the sponsorship and training of new AMSOIL Dealers.

Each sales program supports the philosophy that sponsoring and training new Dealers is the most effective way to build a sound business. AMSOIL recommends new Dealers start building their businesses by selling through the Personal Retail Sales Program, moving along to the other programs outlined below as they gain sales experience.

1) Personal Retail Sales Program

Some Dealers stock an inventory of products to service their retail customers, or they place orders as necessary to service them. Personal retail customers typically consist of local family, friends, acquaintances and neighbors. Selling to personal retail customers is an excellent way for new Dealers to learn how to sell Amsoil products.


2) Catalog Program

The catalog Program is ideal for customers who are not located in the servicing Dealer's local area, are not interested in a Dealership or are comfortable servicing themselves. Catalog customers may require some assistance placing orders, and it is a good idea to follow up either over the telephone or with a personal visit. Once their purchases reach $100 a year, encourage catalog customers to become Preferred Customers.


3) Internet Program

Like the Catalog Program, the Internet Program is ideal for customers who are outside the servicing Dealer's local area, do not wan a Dealership or can service themselves. Dealers simply link their Dealer websites to the Amsoil Online Store, providing customers with the convenience of ordering over the internet and crediting the Dealer with the retail profits and commission credits. AMSOIL offers website packages to help Dealers take advantage of the program. This is an example of Amsoil's website and this is an example of my personal Dealer's website that we will show them how to set up when signing up for an Amsoil Dealership under me. In both cases my personal information you see will just be replaced with yours and all the links to Amsoil's Online Store would then be credited to you.


4) Preferred Customer Program

The Preferred Customer Program provides cost savings to customers purchasing $100 or more in AMSOIL PRODUCT per year. Preferred Customers also receive the monthly Action News magazine, ensuring they are kept up-to-date on the latest AMSOIL news and product introductions. Preferred Customers are typically able to service themselves, but it is a good idea to follow up with them in order to answer any questions. Because the Preferred Customer Program exposes them to the business opportunity, Preferred Customers are an excellent source of new Dealers.


5) Dealer Program

The Dealer Program is for people who are immediately interested in developing their own home-based businesses or who become interested in the business opportunity after experiencing the benefits of AMSOIL products. In order to build a strong, successful business, it is important to sponsor and train as many new Dealers as possible.


6) Commercial Program

The Commercial Program allows Dealers to sell AMSOIL products to businesses for use in their equipment. It can be as simple as registering a flower shop owner with delivery vans or as in-depth as registering an over-the-road trucking fleet. Because registering commercial accounts often requires technical knowledge, it is highly recommended Dealers receive training beyond what the G-700 Business Manual provides, such as attending AMSOIL University, taking the home study courses or working with an experienced Dealer.


7) Retail-on-the-Shelf Program

The Retail-on-the-Shelf Program allows Dealers to offer AMSOIL products readily available for customers who are not interested in the Catalog, Preferred Customer or Dealer programs or wish to have AMSOIL products installed for them at a quick lube facility. Accounts that carry AMSOIL products increase brand awareness and provide initial education of customers who may later participate in another AMSOIL program for lower prices, access to the full product line or to take advantage of the business opportunity.

Amsoil Dealer Home Business Opportunity

Amsoil Preferred Customers

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Welcome to Amsoil.

Knowing that you are using the best products on the market for your personal use and selling them to your customers is one of the best feelings in the world. Hopefully our relationship with Amsoil will both be profitable, long lasting and very enjoyable. Remember by signing up with me you get the benefit of over 20 years experience in our Amsoil Dealership group.

($30.00 per year Amsoil Dealership Renewal Fee Applies)

Your Authorized Amsoil Dealer

John Cardell