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Return to Car Truck & Vehicle IndexCar & Truck: Hardware: Books & Literature
Best Brands Auto Repair Manuals We sell Factory, Clymer, Haynes, Mitchell, AutoDAta ATSG & Chilton truck & auto repair manuals & cd-roms, labor guides and ASE test prep manuals.
Cars & Magazines Find car magazines as well as auto and automobile, truck, and motorcycle magazine subscriptions at deep discount and easy, convenient online ordering and renewal.
Gas Mileage Secrets Gas Mileage Secrets will show you what you can do to really improve your fuel economy! Test data and EPA information on products that work and ones that don't.
Greg's Automotive -Books, etc. Chevy,GMC,GM,Ford and Plymouth shop manuals,assembly manuals,apparel,shirts,hats,literature,decals and accessories classic cars and trucks.
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