If you live in Chicago IL and would like to know where you can go to purchase Amsoil Products you do the following:
If you order products ordering $50.00 or more I highly recommend you tell the operator you would like to become a preferred customer since it will save you money.
One last note:
John Cardell
1108 Tumbleweed Ave
Las Vegas NV 89106
Click the following two links for further Amsoil information:
Link 1 &
2. (If you would like to become an Authorized Amsoil Dealer contact me on how to
get these sites for yourself)
Phone Orders: 1-800-956-5695 5AM-3PM M-F PST and give customer referral number:
1254295. Very important you give this number since it speeds up the ordering
process and it enables you to pick up the products directly at the warehouse the
same business day.
Online Orders: www.buymotoroilonline.com (you may order online 24/7).
Your order will be ready the following business day. Important note: You
may pick up the products from the Warehouse M-F 9AM- 5PM (12PM-8PM on
Map of Amsoil Regional Warehouse: 630-595-8385 295 Lincoln St Bensenville, Illinois 60106, US